As a lawyer, I continually learn more about my clients and myself.
I am persistent in my fight to represent my clients and help them through a case.
Through my experience, I have developed three core values on which I run my firm.
I believe in helping injured people because every single person’s life and physical well-being is a special gift.
Going the Extra Mile
As someone who had a bad lawyer experience as a young adult, I understand how important it is for injured people to trust their legal representation.
If a lawyer does not return your calls and avoids you, you will not know how best to move forward with your case.
To show my clients I care about their best interests, I am available 24/7 and return client phone calls within 24 hours. I also keep each client engaged in the case process.
This includes discussing the case and ensuring injured people by an accident have the appropriate information to make the best decisions for themselves, rather than what I think is best for them.
Finally, I know that everyone has a story. I want to use facts in a way that makes your case stand out from the rest.
The courts hear many cases from injured people every day, so it is important to explain your unique circumstances to highlight the individual in the case.
When I take the time to learn my client’s story and contextualize it to the court, I know that my client is in the best position possible.
By doing all of this, I go the extra mile for my clients.
Obtaining Justice
Justice. It is a powerful word. As a lawyer, it is my professional calling to get my clients the full justice they deserve.
Whether I work to protect clients from prior ineffective legal counsel, aggressive insurance companies, or another party, I want to do everything in my power to obtain justice.
Each client is more than their accident and case number. I work with injured people who come from different backgrounds who have suffered unique losses. There is no one-size-fits-all formula for determining justice.
For that reason, I work with my clients to detail case possibilities and how they define justice or compensation.
With the client’s definition in mind, I want to do everything I can to achieve that end result. Some lawyers may be unwilling to take on “throwaway” cases that would “waste their time.”
However, I believe each client’s case is inherently valuable. Clients sometimes feel hopeless for justice. I felt the same way with a case I had as a young man.
Knowing this feeling personally, I want to provide the best legal representation for each client and use my vast experience to help you. Recovery from a case is a difficult process that incorporates different forms of restitution.
Whether that includes financial compensation, treatment for recovery, or just a reassurance we obtained the best outcome, I want to be there on the front line fighting for you.
Ensure Accessibility
To ensure I am accessible, I have created a mobile-friendly website so clients can have access to information about their cases at their fingertips.
I also use CASEpeer to help my clients understand and manage cases in a convenient online manner.
Likewise, I provide clients the option to discuss case matters through text messaging. Texting can be a quick and easy way to contact me with relevant case information. This instantaneous contact helps clients know that I am continuously working to help them.
When clients have this ability to quickly and frequently discuss matters with their attorney, case results are often more favorable.
For this reason, I constantly look and listen for new ways to improve. I want to go above and beyond what other firms do so I can better assist those who need my help.